640 S 50th St.Ste 2140West Des Moines, IA 50265

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McCartan Insurance Group

April 24, 2023
McCartan Insurance Group

Is Your Home Insured at the Correct Value?

Home insurance is critical for homeowners to protect themselves financially. However, the policy you first purchased when you bought your home may not provide enough coverage years later. In fact, two out of every three homes in the United States may be underinsured. This translates to millions of homes at risk for significant financial losses […]
February 27, 2023
McCartan Insurance Group

Is Cyber Liability Insurance Worth It for Small Businesses?

In recent years, businesses of all sizes and sectors have become increasingly dependent on technology and the internet. Online systems and solutions can provide convenient, cost-effective ways of handling everyday tasks and large-scale projects. But organizations must be aware of the inherent risks and exposures they bring. Any business that relies on stores or transmits […]
December 29, 2022
McCartan Insurance Group

How Renters Insurance Works with Water Damages

If you are renting your home, damage can occur, resulting in significant financial loss. Water damage is among the most destructive types of losses.  Fortunately, there are many instances where a renters insurance policy may cover water damage. Does Renters Insurance Cover Water Damage?  Incidents such as pipe bursts or bathtub overflow are common scenarios where renters […]