640 S 50th St.Ste 2140West Des Moines, IA 50265

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November 29, 2021

Rental Reimbursement Coverage and How it Works

If you own an insured vehicle and have an accident covered by your auto insurance, you can take your vehicle to a body shop to repair it. Depending on the extent of the damage, you may be without a vehicle for a while. Suppose you don’t have access to a second vehicle while yours is […]
October 20, 2021

Do I Need a Personal Umbrella Policy?

A personal umbrella policy is also called umbrella insurance. This type of personal liability insurance can help protect your savings and other assets from large and potentially devastating liability claims or judgments.   Personal umbrella coverage begins when you’ve reached the underlying liability limits of your homeowners insurance or auto insurance. Umbrella insurance can even cover […]
July 22, 2021

New Car Replacement Coverage

Buying a new vehicle can be both exciting and stressful. It’s exciting because you get to drive home in a brand-new vehicle with the latest features and styles; it’s stressful because car shopping can be a challenging process, not to mention that driving a new vehicle can come with a fair amount of anxiety. Many […]
June 29, 2021

Do You Owe Taxes on Reimbursements for a Home Insurance Claim?

Home insurance reimbursements can reduce a lot of stress after a fire, storm or other disaster damages your home and leaves you scrambling to pay for the repairs. Yet that stress relief often fades when tax season rolls around and homeowners become unsure about how to report the money. Find out the facts about paying […]
May 21, 2021

Do College Students Need Renter’s Insurance?

When you move away from home, your stuff won’t be covered by your parents’ home insurance policy any more. If you move to a dorm, condo, home or apartment for college, you could face losing your personal property without a way to replace or repair them.  College Students Who Live on Campus  Many students choose […]
April 30, 2021

Why Should I Buy Identity Theft Coverage?

Identity theft if a serious problem that affects thousands of individuals across the United States each year. Having your identity stolen can shake your sense of safety but it can also drain your bank account, ruin your credit and more.  Thankfully, identity theft coverage exists to protect you in case someone steals your information.  Identity […]
March 31, 2021

Do I Have Coverage if I Rent a Uhaul Truck?

Renting a Uhaul may seem like a straightforward way of moving things without risk, but you could actually face even more risk by renting a Uhaul than using your own vehicle. This is because in most cases, a personal auto insurance policy will not cover you if you are driving a Uhaul. Most auto insurance […]
February 26, 2021

How Does a Claim Affect My Home Insurance Premium?

Home insurance is designed to protect your home in case of an accident or natural disaster. Unfortunately, even if an accident does happen while you have home insurance, this doesn’t mean you’re completely in the clear when it comes to expenses. When you file a claim on your home insurance policy, you will often see […]
January 28, 2021

Does Insurance Cover Lost Keys?

Most possessions of value require a key to use. You need a key to get into your home, or to operate your car, after all. If you don’t have the keys, then you are likely to find yourself in a tricky situation. Missing keys might mean that you need to alert the authorities, pay for […]
December 16, 2020

Does My Auto Insurance Cover a Rental Car?

Sometimes, you might need to rent a car. Perhaps your regular vehicle is in a shop, or you need a specific vehicle for a specific reason, such as to move furniture or take an extended trip. When you arrive at the rental company to pick the car up, the rental agent will likely offer you […]