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Home » What Is Back-to-School Insurance?
August 1, 2024
McCartan Insurance Group

What Is Back-to-School Insurance?

children with back-to-school insurance wearing white and orange backpacks walking on gray concrete pavement during daytimeAs summer winds down, it’s time to start thinking about back-to-school insurance for the upcoming school year.

You may already have school supplies, clothes shopping and meal planning on your to-do list, but there may be something you’re missing: insurance updates.

Understanding how back-to-school season may impact your auto and homeowners insurance needs is essential.

When Should I Update My Auto Insurance for My Kids?

You should consider reviewing your auto insurance policy ahead of the school year if any of these scenarios apply to your family:

  • You plan on driving with your children and their friends as passengers. You may want to consider higher auto insurance policy limits to help cover the expenses of injured passengers in the event of an accident.
  • You have a teen driver. If your child will be learning to drive this school year, you should update your policy to include them.
  • You have a child entering college. If your child plans to take a vehicle to college, it’s crucial to inform your insurance agent. If your student won’t be using a vehicle you own, consider removing them from the policy or designating them as an occasional driver rather than a primary one.

Do I Need to Update My Homeowners Insurance for Back-to-School Insurance and Homeschooling?

You should consider reviewing your homeowners insurance policy ahead of the school year if any of these scenarios apply to your family:

  • You have a student enrolled in hybrid or at-home learning. If your child takes classes from home, you may want to update your homeowners insurance policy to include any expensive electronics or materials they use for learning purposes.
  • You have a child in college. Review your homeowners insurance policy to make sure it will financially cover your student’s belongings while they’re living on campus. If your student opts for off-campus living, consider helping them get a renters insurance policy.

Insurance Providers in West Des Moines, IA

Contact McCartan Insurance Group to review your insurance policies. We can make coverage recommendations to ensure your family has the proper financial protections for back-to-school season.

This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

Categories: Blog, Homeowners

Tags: back-to-school, homeowners insurance, homeschooling, insurance updates, school children, school season, school supplies

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